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Domů - Nabídka nemovitostí - Apartment, 79 m², 3+kk, Sarandë
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Apartment, 79 m², 3+kk, Sarandë

Practical apartment with a view of the sea and the city. Ideal for families with children or groups of friends who are looking for a quiet and pleasant place for their vacation.

Prodejní cena:
89 800
( EUR)
Typ nemovitosti:
2 rooms, bathroom, living room with kitchen and dining room, balcony
balcony, elevator
Rok stavby:
Immediately available
13. srpna 2023
Číslo nemovitosti:
Mapa nemovitosti detail

K nemovitosti nabízíme tyto služby

Zažijte Albánii

Přijeďte si užít dovolenou v této nemovitosti a až pak se rozhodněte o investici. Zájezd vám napánujeme na klíč.

pod legislativou ČR

Zajistíme smlouvy v souladu s legislativou platnou v ČR, ale i dle EU standardů.

Lokální zastoupení
při nákupu

Lokálně vás zastoupíme v Albánii při jednání a bezpečně dokončíme transakci, včetně všech právních náležitostí.

Správa nemovitosti při pronájmu

Poskytneme vám komplexní služby spojené s péčí o apartmán a správou pro pronájem.

Detailní popis

This apartment is ideal for investors looking for a new investment opportunity in an increasingly popular tourist destination. Sarandë offers beautiful and unforgettable experiences on the beach by the sea, as well as a number of very good restaurants and bars. In addition to a great vacation spot, you also find an opportunity to earn a stable income from renting an apartment during the tourist season.
The apartment has a layout of 3+kk with a smaller, but sufficiently spacious balcony, oriented to the northwest in a quiet location. The house is situated on a hill, overlooking the sea and the whole city. The apartment is suitable for families with children or a group of friends and offers enough space for a comfortable stay. The apartment has a large space for a kitchen with a dining area, smoothly transitioning into the living room. There are two smaller bedrooms. The apartment also has a bathroom with shower and toilet and pleasant daylight. The apartment is located near the beach and offers a wonderful view of the surrounding countryside. This location is ideal for those looking for a quiet and relaxing vacation spot. Due to the orientation to the northwest, the apartment has a pleasant climate and does not suffer from direct sunlight, which ensures a pleasant and cooler environment even in the summer months. The apartment is an ideal investment for those who want to receive a stable rental income during the tourist season. Sarandë is a popular tourist destination that attracts many visitors from all over the world.

Informace o lokalitě

Spojte investování
a dovolenou

Zažijte Albánii, odpočiňte si na dovolené a prohlédněte si vybranou nemovitost. Zařídíme vám zájezd na míru.
Chci zažít Albánii

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Kontaktní formulář - Nemovitost - CS
Rychlý kontakt
+420 605 033 301
sematiz s.r.o.,
Králodvorská 1086/14, 110 00 Praha 1,
Česká republika

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