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Domů - Nabídka nemovitostí - Apartment, 76 m², San Pietro
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Apartment, 76 m², San Pietro

New apartment, located in the premium area of San Pietro resort, just 3 minutes walk from the beautiful sandy beach, surrounded by pine trees and with guarded entrance to the complex. Air conditioning and a built-in fireplace on the terrace are a matter of course.

Prodejní cena:
212 000
( EUR)
Typ nemovitosti:
1 bedroom, 1 large living room with kitchen, bathroom with toilet, terrace with fireplace
Rok stavby:
Under construction
22. srpna 2023
Číslo nemovitosti:
Mapa nemovitosti detail

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pod legislativou ČR

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Lokálně vás zastoupíme v Albánii při jednání a bezpečně dokončíme transakci, včetně všech právních náležitostí.

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Detailní popis

2+kk apartment with its own air conditioning, in a premium area of the resort providing above-standard services.
The apartment offers comfortable living thanks to its own air conditioning and a built-in fireplace on the terrace, which makes it possible to organize unforgettable barbecue events. It is located in the exclusive Premium section of the San Pietro resort, which means several advantages for the owner. The entire Premium part is separately fenced, which mainly ensures greater security of the property in your absence. Another advantage is a private part of the beach and a dedicated umbrella on the beach. Owners also get a premium card that allows them to use the services of the adjacent hotel at great prices. This includes, for example, cleaning, food delivery, access to the wellness center and others. This apartment is ideal for those looking for comfort, peace and privacy. It is first class accommodation during your stay at the San Pietro resort.

Informace o lokalitě

Spojte investování
a dovolenou

Zažijte Albánii, odpočiňte si na dovolené a prohlédněte si vybranou nemovitost. Zařídíme vám zájezd na míru.
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Kontaktní formulář - Nemovitost - CS
Rychlý kontakt
+420 605 033 301
sematiz s.r.o.,
Králodvorská 1086/14, 110 00 Praha 1,
Česká republika

Podobné nemovitosti

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3 120 000
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